At Sea
January 13
Was up again about 9:15 to get ready for trivia. This morning David, Fran, Mary, Andy (new acquaintance of Mary), and I played. There were 26 answers and we had 25 correct (we missed one of the Seven Dwarfs - can you name them all?). We tied with two other teams. The tie-breaker was, "How old was Olivia Newton-John when she starred in Grease?" The three answers were 31, 32, and 33 and we were the closest (actual answer 29). That is two winning teams I have been on for those of you keeping score.
Next up was a lecture by Kate Adie a famous BBC News Correspondent. She spoke on the role of women in WWI. She was a great speaker but something about the Royal Court Theatre makes me (and I am not alone) sleepy. I had a choice when the lecture was over - lunch or a nap. The nap won.
After a refreshing snooze I went for lunch in the Lido. Then time for Needlework/Knitting group. There were already a handful of ladies there at 2:30 (the actual start time is 3:00) and I did not get my favorite seat again. We had about 20 ladies and two gentleman (a new one today - a knitter - as well as the quilter from the other day).
Then it was time to get a seat for trivia. The Golden Lion Pub was packed. More people than I've ever seen in there for trivia. Some tables had two different groups there were so many people. Fran, David, Andy, Mary, Judith and I had 17 correct and we tied for first place. Clare from the entertainment department gave stamps to both teams (you turn in your stamp booklet at the end for prizes). Here is one we missed - Which Pink Floyd album is also the title of a chapter in Wind in the Willows? (For those reading carefully, you might notice that was two wins in one day!)
It was after 5 by the end of trivia (it started late due to microphone issues) and time to get ready for the evening (informal night). It is Maggie's, from Cruise Critic and on the World Voyage last year, birthday and I have been invited to her birthday party before dinner. It was held in the Admiral's Lounge. Nice party with about a dozen guests and a few officers. Paul Ritchie, the vocalist in the Queens Lounge, led us in singing Happy Birthday.
Had a nice dinner with five of my tablemates (2 had already finished) then lost $3 more on the slots. Then it was time for the first performance by the Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers. It was my favorite show from last year, Hotel Royale, but it was kind of strange seeing the characters played by different people.
Picked up my orange juice and saw Andy (from trivia) who seem to like our team and said he'd be back tomorrow.
Smooth sailing until next time!
Kathi, great to read your blogs as always. Hope you are enjoying yourself and the sea is not as "frolicsome" as it was.